Worry-Free Hosting
No need to think about if your hosting is secure enough, fast enough, or well taken care of.
Our hosting is on a dedicated server, which means that your website neighbors are all trusted friends.
Hackers hate up-to-date websites. We make sure that your core, plugin and theme files are updated.
A portion of our revenue goes to supporting and sustaining a local youth-minded organization.
We care!
Kids are the future and we care about it being bright!
Hermann, Missouri is a great place to raise kids. We’ve got great schools, safe streets, and a great community that wants to see them prosper. Unfortunately, it’s tough to find a consistent location where kids can feel welcome all the time without the pressure to purchase something. That’s why we’re teaming up with Beloved Pawn; a local organization that’s dedicated to helping kids grow in lots of different areas.
Times your website is backed up in a year!
Every morning you can sip your coffee in peace knowing that your website is good to go.
Accessible Environments
Want to see how a change to your website can look without making it live? We can create custom spaces and changes for every season.
Dollars / Day
We want to keep our pricing competitive so we make sure you have a quality place to put your site for a reasonable price.
Our Desire

I’ve lived in Hermann since 2009. It’s been such a blessing to raise my kids here and see them flourish into the people they’ve become. I’ve also been involved in youth ministry at our church for a handful of years and although the times may change, the one thing that stays consistent is the lack of things to do for kids here. We actually have some great organizations that help raise money for school sports and activities and others that offer a hand by putting on events like After Prom. The reason we’re excited about Beloved Pawn is because their initial goal is to raise enough money and support to open a location year-round.
By hosting your site with us, you can help kids in a rural area have access to a location and activities usually reserved for large cities.